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San Fransico Bay Sunset Cruise

Saturday September 21st was the night for the Bay Cruise. Fog was building up all around the bay and the day had been kind of chilly. Kind of the perfect day for the “Last Day of Summer” in the Bay Area. We all arrived by 6:00 pm on main street in Tiburon. It was a pleasant evening downtown with a lot of people out and about at the restaurants and walkways. Boarding the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry for the Sunset Cruise started right on time and while most of the group found comfortable seating below decks some of us decided to face the chill and ride the upper deck for a better view. The one-and-a-half-hour tour had some spectacular views of the Tiburon, Belvedere, Sausalito area. We even saw the Golden Gate at dusk but was unable to pass under the bridge because of winds and chop, we instead took a pleasant pass by Angel Island before returning to the Tiburon pier. We all brought along dinner to enjoy while catching a glimpse of the sunset before it hit the fog. Doug Twitchell did an excellent job organizing this event and we hope to do this again next year.

Bring Your Own Lunch Picnic

Just another beautiful day in paradise. Tuesday July 16 was 72 degrees, and the sun was out. After finishing a couple of weeks of above average heat the SIR Branch 47 Bring Your Own Lunch Picnic fell on the best of days. The group was somewhere between 20 and 30 people and the setting was the Trout BBQ area at Miwok Park on the edge of Novato. The group was very talkative, and we had a great time exchanging stories and events. Everyone brought their own lunch however drinks and dessert were provided. This was a great couple of hours in a beautiful setting with good friends. We hope you can make it out next year and enjoy the fun with us. Tom Culhane is to be commended on a great job of putting this together.

Garden/Bocce Party

On June 18th the sun once again shined down on the SIR annual Garden/Bocce Party held at the Marin Bocce Federation courts on B Street in San Rafael. It never fails that when this event is held it turns out to be a beautiful day. The branch had reserved 6 courts, two of which were indoors, where instructions were given to those who were new to the game or who wanted some expert help from one of our instructors. At 10:00am the party started with check-ins and Bocce games beginning, by 10:30 everything was in full swing. Most of the wives got an early start, gathering with other spouses to find out what crazy antics their husbands were doing according to the tales being told to their wives by other members. Most of us were very quiet during this period. Almost everyone had a try at a non-competitive game of Bocce, and a stroll through the Rose Garden located on property, it was very enjoyable out in the open sun. Drinks and appetizers were served throughout the morning until lunch was served. After lunch, which was very tasty, we had a raffle where prizes were handed out to the lucky winners who received raffle tickets at check-in, everyone had a good time cheering on those that won. Once again, this event turned out to be a most enjoyable day and the sun always seems to shine on us. The following people made this event possible and run smoothly; Roger and Arlene Burstrem, Jim Phelan, Bob McLaughlin, Bill Bunderson, Jim and Brigitte Waltz, Jim Bitter, and John Zeiter. To put frosting on the cake, this event went under budget, and we were able to put some extra money into the branch’s coffers. Here’s looking to next year and another enjoyable time at the Annual Garden Party.

Chinese New Year Lunch

A Dragon of a Celebration

SIR Branch 47 brought in the Chinese New Year with its first event of the year at the China Village in Navato. Kurt Heilman along with the help of Kelly at the restaurant pulled off a hell of a lunch. There was such a variety and quantity of food that several, including ourselves were able to have dinner at home that night.
The event started at 11:30am with a check-in and name tags being issued by Kurt. In all 49 people made it to the event, with several wives being invited. We enjoyed tea and conversation until the food was served at 12:00. There was a full spread put out in stages so there was always something new to try. The food was great, I didn’t hear a complaint from anyone. Along with the food there was Sake to enjoy. Throughout the event there wasn’t a quiet moment to be had, everyone was enjoying themselves with conversations and comradery.