Return To SIR in the Spotlight
Ron Kosciusko |
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Ron’s Father was a career Naval Officer (Aviator), so he traveled extensively when growing up. He graduated from the University of Hawaii in 1966 with a BA in Sociology/Psychology (he really did not know what he wanted to do). He decided to join the U.S. Marine Corps but was turned down due to medical reasons (an adrenaline shot for asthma at age 13 in a Navy dispensary). He then took a course in computers at U of H and got hooked. He remained interested and involved with computers throughout his career, and even in retirement. Check out his work as Webmaster for Branch 47 at our website
With his newly acquired computer skills, Ron entered the Civil Service in Hawaii. He worked in the Military Assistance Program for two years and then seven years in military intelligence at Camp HM Smith for Commander-in-Chief Pacific. His job required travel to Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan among others. These trips were some of the highlights of his career. He retired from his civil service position as a GS-12 and relocated to San Francisco. While still living in Hawaii he got his NAUI dive certificate and private pilot’s license. He thoroughly enjoyed Hawaii and the many activities it provided, such as deep-sea fishing. Ron worked for some of the bigger organizations in the Bay Area in an IT capacity of one sort or another: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Delta Dental, Safeway. He became an independent contractor for the last seven years of his career, predominately managing data center and network relocations, closures and other interesting projects. During this time he and Shirley also owned a hobby shop in Danville for about two years that was named “The Best Hobby Shop Ever.” He says it was a foray into financial disaster, but his kids had a lot of fun going broke with it. He still has some of the inventory they were stuck with when the shop closed. Ron has two children from his first marriage of 12 years, Robert and Kristen. He has two stepchildren from his marriage to Shirley, Lee and Lani. He and Shirley have eight grandchildren and one great grandchild and have lived in Tiburon since 1976. He says for a Navy kid, this is a record for being in one place. In his community Ron was a Cub Master and then Scoutmaster for a troop for nine years. He coached a Little League team to a championship soon after locating in Tiburon. Since retiring he became a HAM radio operator because he always wanted to learn Morse code. He utilizes this by belonging to RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) sponsored by the County of Marin Sheriff’s office. He belongs to several clubs and organizations including the SIR Amateur Radio Club (SIRARC). Shooting has always been an interest and he reloads his own ammunition. You can usually find him at the Richmond Rod and Gun Club in Richmond on Wednesdays, as he is a range officer there. SIR golfing is also among his interests, and he enjoys outings with his good friend Chuck McDevitt. He enjoys fishing but since Shirley (who holds the purse strings) won’t let him buy a boat, he has to finagle rides with other boat owners. One of his New Year resolutions is to go out with the SIR Fishing Group. Ron attends most of the Investors lunch Brunch meetings on the second Friday of the month. He is also a member of the Golden Gate Computer Society and most Saturdays you will find him at the GGCS shack in San Anselmo refurbishing computers for their School Project. Complete systems are donated to schools as far away as Oakland who do not have funds to buy them. Ron has also been on the Board of Directors for the Richardson Bay Sanitary District for the past four years. Finally, Ron is co web master and publisher of TamalTalk for Branch 47. All in all, he is a pretty busy man. |